GRA retrieves over GHS4.2m rent tax in 7 weeks

The Ghana Revenue Authority(GRA) has announced that a recent activity it undertook to collect rent income tax has yielded positive results  with the authority retrieving 4.279 million cedis from defaulting landowners.

According to the GRA, the exercise which lasted for just seven weeks proved fruitful as defaulting landowners were reminded of the implications of refusing to pay rent income tax.

In this direction, the authority has stated that it will extend the exercise to clamp down on all defaulting landowners.

Speaking to journalists ahead of an operation by Special Revenue Mobilization task force on mobile phone operators, the Head of the force Theophilus Gaskin was hopeful more revenue will be accrued in the coming months.

Earlier this week, the authority, in its efforts to increase revenue announced that it will embark on a Special Revenue Mobilization Task  Compliance Checks.

According to the Commissioner-General of the GRA,  it “ has noted with concern that persons who deal in mobile phones and accessories have failed to charge VAT as required by law”.

The authority maintained that the Special Revenue Mobilization Task Force will embark on a nationwide exercise to compel all persons engaged in the business to pay the tax.

By: Puis Amihere Eduku/