Government commends APPEB Cylinder Manufacturing Company for making strides in the industry

The Ministry of Trade and Industry has reiterated government’s support for private initiatives under the 1D1F to spur the growth of indigenous manufacturing companies.

According to the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Michael Okyere Baafi, the efforts of the private sector under the initiative has yielded significant results with respect to complementing government’s efforts in creating jobs for the youth.

Speaking at the official outdooring of the APPEB Cylinder Manufacturing Company Limited in Accra, Michael Okyere Baafi commended the Company.

“Cylinder manufacturing industry is a very critical industry that needs attention and APEB has set the bar for others to follow. It is really phenomenal and we would want to commend you for that investment you have made,” he said.

“The government of Ghana takes this business really serious; as the president he came to commission the plant. It is also one of the projects under 1D1F initiative and this is a private lead initiative that government is initiating,” he added.

On his part the Chief Executive Officer of APPEB Cylinder Manufacturing Company Limited, Philip Assafuah assured that the cylinders produced by his outfit meet the quality control assurance and is safe for use.

He further asserted that APPEB is properly positioned to produce enough gas cylinders to ensure the successful implementation of the Cylinder Recirculation Model (CRM)

“We are doing something that none of the cylinder manufacturing producers are doing. Even some of the foreign ones that are imported, they don’t match our standard, because the standards are international. We have re-engineered to ensure that the safety aspect of cylinder as far as Ghana is concerned,” he said.

“It shouldn’t be that a cylinder should create a problem for the user. One unique feature about the APPEB cylinders is that it can expand and last about an hour in case of fire outbreak by which time the fire officials may have arrived,” he assured

The outdooring event witnessed the presence of key officers from the National Petroleum Authority and the Ghana National Fire Service.