Explore international treaties and benefit – Trade Ministry urges businesses

Businesses are being encouraged to cultivate interest in appreciating international business treaties to give them better perspective of global business dynamics.

This, according to the Ministry of Trade and Industry will help local businesses explore trade financing that are embedded these treaties.

Ghana is signatory to many international treaties which seek to deepen economic and trade relations.

Speaking at the 2023 CEOs Connect organized by the Canada Ghana Chamber of Commerce here in Accra under the theme: Financing and Growing Businesses, a Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Nana Ama Dokua Asiamah- Adjei encouraged Ghanaian businesses to explore trade finance avenues that come along it several international treaties.

“As leaders in the trade and industry sector, I would like to use this opportunity to encourage you to take keen interest in these international agreements and flagship programmes and explore them to benefit our businesses,” he impressed.

Nana Ama Dokua Asiamah- Adjei further rallied support for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises: “I also want to urge the medium and the large-scale businesses to serve as an anchor Industry to pull along the micro and the small businesses by contracting them and sub-contracting them with some business processes to them.”

On her part the Canadian High Commissioner to Ghana, Her Excellency Martine Moreau disclosed that the Canadian Government is working on an Economic Strategy which will offer support to the economic viability of the African continent.

“The Canadian Government is developing a Canada Africa Cooperation Strategy in order to support the advancement of a robust broad ranging and long-lasting economic partnership with Africa,” she disclosed.

“To some extent the Strategy will be a reflection of the rapid changes we are experiencing globally; changes driven by advancement in technology including artificial intelligence,” she added.

Meanwhile Ghanaian Businesses have been urged to eschew falsification of documents especially those seeking to establish presence in the global market space.

This is according to the Chief Executive Officer of Askia Immigration Consulting Services, a regulated Immigration Consultant.

“They should be truthful and provide their information with accuracy. For example, if you are going for a mining conference and you are in the food processing business, you have to clearly state your purpose and how it connects with your presence,” she said.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre, Yofi Grant also touched on the various financing strategies available for businesses at various phases, and ways in which businesses can explore partnerships to address their financing issues.