The industrial sector is expected to see some improvement in the load shedding situation across the sector.
[contextly_sidebar id=”jNGaIaXSg7DbD5Iea9zSi2wl0jb16tNd”]This comes after the Minister of Power Dr Kwabena Donkor directed the load management committee to reduce the load being shed currently for the industrial sector from 130 megawatts to 100 megawatts with immediate effect.
According to a statement from the ministry, the 30 megawatts reduction in the load shedding for industry is due to an improvement in the electricity supply situation in the country.
The Ministry says it is keeping a close eye on developments in the generation , distribution and supply of electricity and will announce further changes as and when necessary.
The load shedding exercise was extended to all industrial zones across the country on December 1st 2014 after the crisis worsened.
Prior to the move the industrial zones, had been exempted, with residential areas being affected the most.
The crisis for that year, was triggered by the labour unrest in Nigeria, which halted the supply of natural gas to Ghana through the West African Gas Pipeline for a period in September.
The Volta River Authority also in that year cut back on power generation as a result of the low water levels of the Akosombo dam.
The Asogli thermal plant was also shut down.
Ghana has been battling with power crisis for some time now.
The crisis pushed President Mahama to set up a new ministry, the Power ministry to deal with the challenges.
By: Rabiu Alhassan/