Ivy League schools chasing young Ghanaian professionals for admission

Young Ghanaian professionals with at least three years working experience can now easily gain admission to any Ivy League school to pursue an MBA.

[contextly_sidebar id=”zZU7OPmP5Fxjt4sec5YDAHf812TSn1xL”]It follows moves by Ivy League schools to increase the intake of Africans in their admissions.

Prospective MBA students who want to pursue further education in Europe,  the United States, or Canada can join the MBA tour team at La palm beach hotel on Thursday October 8 from 5to 8pm.

The team is expected to visit different countries including Ghana, Kenya , Nigeria  and South Africa.

The MBA tour will start in Nairobi (Kenya) on Tuesday October 6 , then to Accra (Ghana) on Thursday October 8.

Lagos (Nigeria) will be next on Saturday October 10 , then Johannesburg(South Africa) will be last leg of the tour on Tuesday October 13.

Participants are expected to be coached to identify graduate business programs with funding opportunities.

Senior Associate Director, MBA Admissions at the Colombia Business school in Manhattan, New York  Michael Robinson has been working on MBA admissions for the last thirteen years and in an interview with Citi Business News said, “it doesn’t cost anything to attend. Essentially what they are looking for is young professionals who have already completed a college degree , who are interested in getting additional education …pretty much all the top MBA programs what to increase the number of African students in their programs.”

By:  Rabiu Alhassan/citifmonline.com/Ghana