The prices of the non hydrocarbon public industrial production increase by 5.4% in the first quarter of 2016 in comparison with the same period 2015, the National Statistics Office (ONS) told APS.
The increase is explained by an important hike of producing prices of the mining and quarrying sector (+34.3%) and those of energy products (+9%).
The National Public Industrial Product Price Index, non hydrocarbon, measures the price changes of goods sold in the domestic market.
The products for export are not taken into consideration.
In the mining and quarrying sector, the increase in prices was almost universal except for salt extraction that has remained almost unchanged (-0.1%).
In addition, the price of phosphate extraction marked a growth of nearly 30%, those from the extraction of clay and by 11% and minerals by 9.5%.
In the energy sector, the electricity prices went up by 9.2%.
As for the food industry, most products have output prices stabilize, except food for animals (+ 2.5%) while that of the manufacturing industry and tobacco increased by almost 30%.
Credit: All Africa