Provisional figures released by the Ghana Statistical Service shows that the Services sector is still the major contributor in Ghana’s economy.
The sector recorded the highest growth of 4.7 per cent boosted by transport and storage, information and communication, public administration, defence and social security.

It was followed by the the industry sector which grew by 3.9 per cent led by the construction sub-sector, electricity and mining and quarrying.
However, the sub-sectors of manufacturing and water and sewage contracted during the period.
The agriculture sector expanded by 2.3 per cent on the back livestock, crop and cocoa, forestry and logging, which all grew during the period.
The provisional year-on-year 2016 third quarter (Q3) Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), including Oil, grew by 4.0 per cent compared to 3.5 per cent recorded for 2015 Q3.
By: Lawrence Segebfia/