Citi FM’s Hello Kigali tour attracts dozens of private businesses

More businesses are registering to participate in the biggest business trip for 2017.

The Hello Kigali Tour, involving Citi FM and private sector delegation, is to expose businesses to a first-hand experience of how a country with a recent genocide  history, has turned around its story making it an investment hub within sub-Saharan Africa.

Despite the impact of Rwanda’s genocide story on the country’s political and socio-economic fundamentals, major reforms have made it one of the most sought after economies in Africa and around the globe.

For instance, the World Bank’s latest ease of doing business report indicates that the introduction of online registration platforms in starting a business has moved Rwanda 33 points up from the 109th to the 76th position.

In addition, other reforms in getting electricity, trading across borders and registering property have equally placed Rwanda 56th out of 190 countries worldwide.

Participants of the Hello Kigali Tour, will be meeting key policy makers including the Registrar General of Companies, Commissioner for Domestic taxes, Mayor of Kigali.

Discussions will centre on investment climate in Rwanda, mortgage registration, issuance of construction permits.

Others will include; paying taxes, government online services as well as enforcing contracts.

The team will also visit the Genocide Memorial in Kigali.

The various agencies to facilitate the trip are the Rwandan Development Board, Rwandan Natural Resources Authority and Rwanda Revenue Authority.

For $2,450, participants would be treated to a four star hotel accommodation, visa, return trip tickets and lasting business ideas to grow their respective organizations.

The five day experience of the Rwandese success story is just twenty days away; from 24th to 28th January 2017.

To register and be a part, interested individuals could visit or call 0248770925.

By: Pius Amihere Eduku/