Zimbabwe: Minister Orders Harare to Recover Looted $280,000

Local government minister, Saviour Kasukuwere, has directed the Harare City Council to recover and return to council coffers some $282,000 which was looted by top officials.

A recent government audit at Town House revealed that four council officials unlawfully transferred $282 000 from the local authority’s beer levy to their personal accounts in 2014.

According to the audit report the beneficiaries of the swindle included Mahachi T ($75,000), Zvikaramba CT ($130,000), Chingombe C ($35,000) and Pfukwa PM ($42,000.

The report said the local authority lacked transparency in its dealings with ratepayers’ funds.

“The finance controller was not effective, efficient, economical and transparent in the use of council’s financial resources,” read part of the report which directed the city fathers to recover the money “whose reasons for being withdrawn” remain unknown.

“Connivance in the misappropriation or embezzlement of council funds, in this case, cannot be ruled out,” the report further states.

Credit: All Africa