The Management Boot Camp, which is part of the month-long Citi Business Festival, is scheduled for Sunday, 18th June to Saturday, 24th June, 2017 at the Volta Hotel, Akosombo.
The Boot Camp is an advanced management programme, designed for Senior Management in various industries.
The conference is aimed at exploring opportunities of latest academic thinking and practical insights by renowned Professors.
The fee for the Management Boot Camp is GHS5, 800.00 and covers accommodation for six nights, food and refreshment as well as tuition.
Topics that will be taught include, maximising productivity-an enterprise approach, inclusive business strategy, and enhancing customer experience for competitive advantage.
The rest are reinvigorate your leadership-lessons from the military, the art of war for executives—military approach, and good to great—winning through creativity and innovation.
The week long residential executive education programme is targeted at senior managers and businessmen.
The carefully selected faculty of facilitators with a blend of rich academic and practical expertise will take participants through a wide range of contemporary management and strategic issues.