Citi Business Edition awarded at ‘Ghana SME Awards’

Citi FM’s Citi Business Edition has been adjudged the Best Radio Programme that supports and champions issues in the SME sector at the 4th Ghana SME Awards.

The Citi Business Edition, which airs every Friday from 7:10 to 7:40 am on the Citi Breakfast Show is hosted by Bernard Avle, who is also the host of the Citi Breakfast Show.


The programme is a thirty minute dialogue that focuses on strategies for growing businesses particularly Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs).

The programme which has spanned over the last decade, hosts Entrepreneurs, CEOs, Managers as well as institutions mandated to enhance Skills and Business Development.

Such institutions include; the Skills and Development Fund (SDF) as well as National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI).


Some patrons of the programme have been connected to angel investors as well as key policy makers through the platform that is provided.

For the past few months, a couple of innovators have been profiled to highlight their impact in solving complex issues in society while creating jobs.

By: Lawrence Segbefia/