Barclays launches Shared Growth to create employment

As part of efforts directed at Youth Employment, Barclays Bank Ghana has launched a new initiative called the Shared Growth.

The programme which has three main pillars– Financial Inclusion, Enterprise Development and Youth Employability will provide over 2.5 million cedis to help address challenges with unemployment.

Speaking at the launch, the Managing  Director of  Barclays Ghana  Patience Akyianu was hopeful the programme will help the youth achieve their goals.

“The Shared Growth Agenda is a transformational community initiative that seeks to use Barclays’ core assets and expertise to create a positive and sustainable impact on society whilst delivering shareholder value,” she said.

She explained that the move is part of the bank’s initiative to transition from an era of philanthropic donations to a new era of creating value that will transform the lives of people for the better.

“While philanthropic donations have been important in the past, current demands and challenges of society require more innovative and long term strategic solutions like Shared Growth, to propel sustainable economic growth and shared prosperity,” she said.

“The Shared Growth initiative is therefore a shift from the traditional Corporate Social Responsibility programmes; and is being driven by the realization that despite sustainable investments, communities continue to be plagued by challenges that impede inclusive growth,” she added.

Explaining the three main pillars of the programme, Mrs. Akyianu  stated that the Youth Employability wing will develop skills to support the youth as well as facilitate access to quality education.

“The Enterprise Development seeks to help people start, run and grow small and medium sized businesses to generate income and employment while the Finanacial Inclusion will ensure more people have access to fianacial services,” she said.

She announced that over 4,500 people have already benefited this year from the programme with more expected to benefit.

By: Lawrence Segbefia/