Professor Peter Quartey appointed Director of ISSER

Professor Peter Quartey, a senior lecturer at the University of Ghana has been appointed the Director of the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER)

Professor Peter Quartey holds a PhD in Development Economics from the University of Manchester (UK), MSc in Quantitative Development Economics (University of Warwick, UK), MPhil. Economics (Ghana), and BA Economics (Ghana).

He is a Professor of Economics and the immediate past Head, Department of Economics and Director (Economic Management Programme), University of Ghana.

He also served as the Deputy Director, Centre for Migration Studies (University of Ghana) and the Head, Economics Division, Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana.

Prof. Peter Quartey was the Management Board Chairman, University of Ghana Cooperative Credit Union (2012-2015) and Vice Management Board Chairman (2009-2012).

He is currently the Vice Board Chairman, the Hunger Project (Ghana).

Prof. Quartey is a Board Member, Agricultural Development Bank Ltd and the Executive Chairman of Startrite Montessori School Ltd.

He has published extensively and his research interests are: Financial and Monetary Sector, Private Sector Development including SMEs, Development Finance, Migration and Remittances and Poverty Analysis.

He has consulted for both local and international institutions including the World Bank, African Development Bank, OECD, USAID, Overseas Development Institute, DFID and many others. He is a member of the African Economic Research Consortium and the Global Development Network.